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SOS Fracture Alliance- Member Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) update

The SOS Fracture Alliance (SOSFA) is a formal coalition of organisations who have agreed that action is needed to address the current inadequacies of the Australian health system in preventing osteoporotic (or fragility) fractures and believe that uniting as one voice is the most effect way to advocate for action.

Membership of SOSFA is open to any organisation that wishes to join and is formally facilitated by the governing body of an organisation endorsing the SOSFA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The current MOU was written in 2015 and while the principles of the agreement remain unchanged, upon review it is in need of renewal to better reflect the general nature of the Alliance and it's Membership in 2023.

To that end the Governing Committee is proposing to update the MOU and invites Members to comment on the proposed changes.

Two versions have been provided for consideration by Members in this post. The first is a 'tracked' version of the document, which contains all the proposed changes in the current MOU along with a rationale for each change to allow Members to directly compare the original text they agreed to with the proposed revised version.

The second is a 'clean' version which has all of the proposed changes actioned into the document, allowing for Members to easily consider the document as a whole and whether they are satisfied to continue be a Party to the agreement.

The Governing Committee invites all Members to consider the changes and, if they desire, provide feedback to by COB Tuesday 31st October 2023. Please send feedback to

The Governing Committee will then consider the feedback at the next quarterly meeting on Wednesday 15th November 2023 and decide whether to adopt the proposed revisions, conduct further consultation or take other steps arising from the feedback.

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