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ANZHFR Annual Report 2018 released

Updated: Sep 23, 2021

The SOS Fracture Alliance is pleased to share the 2018 Australian and New

Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR) Annual Report.

The focus of the ANZHFR is to measure hip fracture care against the Hip Fracture Care Clinical Care Standard. In this year’s report 56 hospitals, 41 Australian hospitals and 15 New Zealand hospitals, contributed data on 9,408 patient care episodes (up from 5,908 in 2017).

This year, the Registry is highlighting Quality Statement 6: minimising risk of another fracture. This strongly aligns with the SOS Fracture Alliance's mission to increase post-fracture care and make the first break the last.

Key findings in this years report include:

„ Only one in five patients in New Zealand (20%) and a little more than one in three patients in Australia (36%) had a documented assessment of cognition prior to surgery

„ 50% and 54% of patients in New Zealand and Australia, respectively, have a documented assessment of pain within 30 minutes of presentation to the emergency department

„ The use of nerve blocks for the management of pain is showing steady improvement in both countries. In New Zealand, 61% of patients have a nerve block for the management of pain compared with 58% in 2017 and 51% in 2016. In Australia, 84% of patients have a nerve block for the management of pain, compared with 80% in 2017 and 59% in 2016.

„ 40% of hospitals reported access to a planned operating theatre list or planned trauma list for hip fracture patients, unchanged over the six years of the facility level audit

„ 54 hours is the average time patients are waiting for surgery if transferred to another hospital for their operation

„ Fewer than one in ten patients are on active treatment for osteoporosis on admission and fewer than one in four have commenced active osteoporosis treatment prior to discharge from the operating hospital

The report was officially released yesterday and is now available on the ANZHFR website:

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