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Secondary Fracture Prevention in Primary Care

The Secondary Fracture Prevention in Primary Care project is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).


​This project uses a new model of integrated osteoporosis management where primary care is the hub of osteoporosis management, and hospital-based Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) and community-based private radiology practices are the mechanisms for identification and referral to and from primary care.


The overarching aim of the project is to reduce your patient’s risk of secondary osteoporotic fracture by:

  • Increasing the identification of people who are at risk of further (‘secondary’) fracture, i.e. those diagnosed with a potential fragility fracture

  • Increasing the assessment and investigation of those at risk of secondary fracture

  • Increasing the initiation and maintenance of treatment for those diagnosed with osteoporosis.


Below you can download an abbreviated version of the RACGP Guidelines for Osteoporosis Management, focusing on patient who had a fracture.

We have also provided templates for Chronic Disease Management Plans. Engaging patients by using Items 721 and 723 to create management plans can help them be more involved in their own care. Review of these plans at 3 to 6 monthly intervals (Item 732) supports the structured care model further.


If you have any questions please contact A/Prof Christian Girgis at or Prof Markus Seibel at


Downloadable resources


1 - Best Practice Guidelines


2A - GP Management Plan (Basic)


2B - GP Management Plan (Comprehensive)







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Copyright SOS Fracture Alliance 2017-2023

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